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Skills Corridor

Developing players dribbling ability & giving them the opportunity to be creative with different ‘skills & tricks’

Coaching Objectives

Coaching players ball manipulation in unopposed and opposed practices will improve players ability to win 1v1 duals and move the ball quickly when needed. 

Drill Setup

  • 25 Mins
  • Flexible Players
  • 15 x 30 y

What the Players Do

Set up a rectangular area with players moving from one end to the other.  Two ‘passing players’ are located on the outside of the area. Set up more than one area if you have…

1v1 & 2v1 Finishing

Giving players repetition at any skill will improve their technique, in this drill players will have the opportunity to get plenty of shots at goal with and without pressure.

Coaching Objectives

In this drill we are looking at developing players finishing techniques in and around the area, as well as challenging players to be creative with their finishing. 

Drill Setup

  • 20 Mins
  • 20 Players
  • 6 Goals
  • 20 Bibs
  • 30x40 y

What the Players Do

GKs positioned within the big goals, 1 player stood on a red flat disc acting as a defender, with the attackers stood on the blue disc, with a ball.   Attacker plays into the defender who…

Keeping Possession

Developing players ability to create space to play forward and keep possession using a variety of passes.

Coaching Objectives

Coaching possession needs an element of opposition within the practice & direction so the players can work on creating space relevant to the game. A high amount of ball rolling time is also important so the players can maintain quality and allow the practice to have an element of transition. 

Area 60x40 with end zones of 10x40 (split into two).
Split the central area in half.
3v3 in each central zone with x2 target players at each end.

Drill Setup

  • 25 Mins
  • 16 Players
  • 16 Bibs
  • 60 x 40 y

What the Players Do

Practice starts with target players; they can play into either team to start. The objective is to keep possession and play forward through each central zone and into opposite target players.…