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All players love shooting at goal but you need to make sure they are using the correct technique so they are not firing over the bar and accurate shooting so they are not going past the post. This drill gives players plenty of different ways to shoot

Coaching Objectives

  • Technique
  • Arms for balance
  • Standing foot next to, or slightly behind, the ball
  • Strike ball just below the centre
  • Use different parts of the foot: laces for power, side foot for direction.
  • Dribbling technique
  • Good passing

Drill Setup

  • 20 Mins
  • 10 Players
  • 1 Goals
  • 3 red 3 yellow Bibs
  • penalty area y

What the Players Do

Use the penalty area of your pitch, play in sequence and make sure all players get to shoot in each position. You need three groups of players at A, B and C, starting with the coach passing a ball…