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This is a possession game where the overload team try to keep the ball for as long as possible from the two defenders. Players move to make passing angles and triangles with their team mate in the middle

Coaching Objectives

This is all about player movement to create angles for passing options. The player in the centre is there to give triangles that make passing easier so that player must work hard to be open to the pass.

Players need good first touch and passing skills to keep the ball for 5 passes.

The defenders must press as a pair with nearest player going to the ball and second defender covering the passing lanes

Drill Setup

  • 15 Mins
  • 8 minimum Players
  • 2 Bibs
  • 25 x 50 y

What the Players Do

Play the game starting in one side of the area using two-touch. The player in the centre is there to create passing triangles. The two defenders try to intercept or recover the ball as quickly as…