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This is a 3v1+ 3v5 Rondo positioning video direct from Cupello's partner Felipe Ragel in Barcelona, Spain. The objective is to pass and keep possession of the ball as the game splits from 3v1 into 5v3.

Set up an area 20 x 20 yards with an central square or circle 8x8 yards.

The game starts in the 3v1 and when the player wins the ball it breaks out into the 5 players against the 3 players who started with the ball. You can add players at this point if your squad is bigger and they can drop in and out of the 5v3.

The three players try to win the ball and when they do play resets.

The three players should be changed often as they are working hard.

The players in the middle defend and try to intercept or recover the ball as quickly as possible.

  • Defenders press so one player goes to the ball the other two cover.

Make it easier:

  • Increase the size of the area

  • Give more touches of the ball – players are all in

Make it more difficult

  • Decrease the size of the area

  • Every player is two touch

  • Can't pass top the player who passed to you